Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Grep examples

want to display lines starting with the string "root"
grep ^root /etc/passwd

PatternWhat does it match?
bagThe string bag.
^bagbag at beginning of line.
bag$bag at end of line.
^bag$bag as the only word on line.
[Bb]agBag or bag.
b[aeiou]gSecond letter is a vowel.
b[^aeiou]gSecond letter is a consonant (or uppercase or symbol).
b.gSecond letter is any character.
^...$Any line containing exactly three characters.
^\.Any line that begins with a dot.
^\.[a-z][a-z]Same, followed by two lowercase letters (e.g., troff requests).
^\.[a-z]\{2\}Same as previous, grep or sed only.
^[^.]Any line that doesn't begin with a dot.
bugs*bug, bugs, bugss, etc.
"word"A word in quotes.
"*word"*A word, with or without quotes.
[A-Z][A-Z]*One or more uppercase letters.
[A-Z]+Same, egrep or awk only.
[A-Z].*An uppercase letter, followed by zero or more characters.
[A-Z]*Zero or more uppercase letters.
[a-zA-Z]Any letter.
[^0-9A-Za-z]Any symbol (not a letter or a number).a^c


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